The European Water Movement in the Face of the European Economic and Social Committee's Blue Deal Initiative

Photo credits: EESC 

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), a consultative body of the European Union (EU), is promoting an initiative to develop a global approach to European water policies. This proposal aims to materialize in a Declaration to be delivered to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union at the high-level conference "Call for an EU Blue Deal" in October 2023, during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU. The EESC's objective is for water to be one of the next EU Commission's top priorities.

Taking into account the relevance of this initiative, the European Water Movement specifies below its position in this regard, identifying the main challenges and its proposals for action related to water in the EU, all to influence the process of development and implementation of the Blue Deal.

Discover the 8 pillars of our position paper here (English). Also available in French, German, Italian and Spanish.

1. Water is a common good and not a commodity

2. Addressing climate change

3. Human Right to Water and Sanitation

4. Opposition to the privatisation of water management

5. Support remunicipalisation processes

6. Public and democratic management models

7. Financing 8. Labour conditions

More information on the EU Blue Deal here.