Water transfers and dams in the Euro-Mediterranean region

Round table of the Grande Rencontre Euro-Méditerranéenne de Marseille sur l'Eau - 7 february 2015

Video presentations:

  • Water banks in Spain


Water EU policy: commodification, austerity and new threats

Round table of the Grande Rencontre Euro-Méditerranéenne de Marseille sur l'Eau - 7 february 2015

Video presentations:

  • Right2Water Ireland
    Brendan Ogle from Right2Water Ireland explains to our European counterparts why Ireland is protesting against the imposition of unfair water charges.


Commodification and financialization of water within EU

Seminar of the European Summer University of social movements
August 20, 2014, 16:30-19:00

Video présentations:

  • Tarification de l'eau et Paiement des services écosystémiques (français, sous-titres anglais et espagnol)
  • Los mercados de agua (espagnol, sous-titres anglais)
  • Los bancos de agua o el fracaso de la gobernabilidad del agua (espagnol, sous-titres anglais)


Water and Power: Are public services still public?

Municipal Services Project

Public water and electricity are back in vogue! Yet many state-owned utilities are now undergoing “corporatization”: they have legal autonomy and manage their own finances. Is this a positive development in the struggle for equitable public services? Or a slippery slope toward privatization?

SPANISH and FRENCH captions available, click “CC” in video toolbar to select or “Settings” to change language


What democracy for water management within EU?

Workshop of the European Summer University of social movements
August 22, 2014, 9:30-12:00

Video presentations:

  • La participación pública se ahogó en la Directiva Marco del Agua (spanish, english subtitles)
  • La mentira de la participación pública en Catalunya (spanish, english subtitles)
  • Politiques publiques de l'eau, DCE et participation du public en France (french)