March 2012: Alternative World Water Forum

From March 10 to 18, 2012, the Alternative World Water Forum (FAME or Forum Alternatif Mondial de l’Eau) was held in Marseilles, France. The event was organized by associations and movements, trade unions, NGOs, citizens and elected representatives from all over the world.

FAME was a meeting place for all people who are fighting for water: against the appropriation of land and water, against the development of shale gas, which pollutes underground aquifers and rivers; against the privatization of water by multinationals, more or less all over the world… 

FAME focused particularly on illustrating the mobilization of citizen movements and civil society associations around Lake Nokoué in Benin with the support of Emmaüs International, the remunicipalising of water in Paris, the ongoing expansion of public-public partnerships, the practical proposals for ensuring access to water and food security for rural populations. With numerous first-hand accounts from associations, experts in the field, and elected representatives from all over the world…

Extensive videos, photos and documents from FAME are available on its website: