The European Water Movement co-signed the following letter.
Stop Mines 81
La Métairie Haute
81260 Fontrieu - France
stopmines81 (at)
Fontrieu, 8 June 2020
To the investors of Tunsgtène du Narbonnais Company
Copy to President, Prime Minister, Minister of economy and finance, Minister for ecological and solidarity transition, of the French Republic; Tungstène de Narbonnais Company
Dear Sirs,
You have expressed a wish to invest in the Tungstène du Narbonnais Company by applying to the French government for a prospective licence (« la Fabrié ») in august 2018, aiming to exploit local tunsgten ore.
The mining industry and its repercussions are well-known here. The mines that have been operating here in the past have led to a series of scandals due to their effects on the environment and on the health of the local residents : Saint-Salvy (zinc), Montroc (fluorine), Salsigne (gold).
Thus a wide array of local and national groups have ranked up as soon as the project was made public.
Mining operations are first and foremost detrimental to one vital resource : water.