The Process of Privatizing The Canal Isabel II

Update on the current situation

On 30th May, the Madrid government announced its decision to give up for the time being, the privatization of the Canal Isabel II. Due to the actual economic situation posing an obstacle to its sale to private companies. However, it still announced the creation of a 100% public limited company, called Canal de Isabel II Gestión SA to manage the full cycle of water.

On the 6th of June, the board of directors of Canal Isabel II approved the establishment of the new company, signed off the inventory of assets and statutes of the new company and its program of activity, even though the vote was opposed by the company’s work council, a representative body of workers and management. Its members had not received sufficient information to formulate a position on the establishment of the new company.


Contract Renegotiation at the Berliner Wassertriebe

Press release of the Berliner Wassertisch.

On 13 February 2011, a referendum initiated by citizens (“Unser Wasser” = Our Water) was won by votes from 666 235 Berliners. It required the disclosure of the sales contracts, secret until now, concerning 49.90% of the water in Berlin. This victory will bring about the withdrawal of RWE and Veolia from the “Berliner Wasserbetriebe” (BWB, the water company in Berlin).


Berliner Wassertisch

Berliner Wassertisch is a local network of representatives of different groups, initiatives and interested citizens joined under the common theme "Water belongs to us all - water is a human right". As a local area network, they are fighting the partial privatization of the Berlin water companies.


Initiative 136

Key points of the proposal for acquisition of E.Y.A.TH. by its consumers.

The “Iniciative 136” was created by collectives, organizations and individuals who live in Thessaloniki and is addressed to all citizens. It has taken the initiative to coordinate the creation of a legal entity of social character, which will participate in public tender for the acquisition of 40% plus the management of E.Y.A.TH  (initials for Thessaloniki’s Water and Sewerage Company), claiming control of the water of the city for its own citizens / consumers, rather than a multinational company.